It's Been a Long, Long Time

 Hello people of the internet! 

It's been awhile since I've posted, and by awhile, I mean almost a decade. 

So, what's the blog gonna be about now? Probably a lot of the same - me rambling about dumb stuff, vintage stuff, life stuff, reselling stuff, graphic design stuff, art stuff, cooking stuff, house decor stuff. SO MUCH STUFF! 

Here's some ephemera stuff that I just grabbed from an old sheet music cabinet in my workroom. It's various items that I've found in second hand books I've bought. 

1970 Playmate Magazine Cover - such a cute little mouse! 

1960s Estee Lauder Bath Oil Tag

Someone used a yarn wrapper as a bookmark. Whatever works, right? 

woman standing next to man.. her hair is a boufant hair style. He is wearing a vest with multiple pinback buttons or badges on it.
I don't know who they are, but her hair is FABULOUS!

sketch of a bird with text
One sketchy wren

That's all for now! 

Be good to each other,




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